Its have two type work chamber one is use for dampening second is use for scouring of wetted grain kernel so this is very effective machine
For dust controlling in the plant
To separation of stone from wheat kernel
To separation of sand & twine (Sutli) from wheat kernel
Very effective machine for sucking of light weight impurities
To separation of oats and stone from wheat
To grinding of refraction materials
To scouring hard layer of wheat
To separation of foreign materials like sand, broken wheat, chaff, straw and other light weight impurities
New model very effective scouring machine for grain kerne
To separation of broken wheat, straw and chaffs
Its use for broking & grinding of grains
To purify of semolina from a mixing materials
Its use for grinded materials sieving and divided in same order or micron
Its use to fall of refine flour quantity from course bran leaf
It helps to destroy weak kernels and control of final product quality
Its use for mechanically destroy insects, larva and their eggs in flour
To separation of insects and foreign materials from flour/ maida
It helps to convey of materials throw air-sucking system